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International Society for Harmony
Combination of Cultures
Mission Statement
 To create a harmony that enables all beings to enjoy and fulfill 'life'.
About the Society
 At the threshold of the twenty-first century we are keenly aware of the 'oneness' of all beings.  In order to further enhance this relationship, our society aspires to create or develop an advanced world culture derived from any cultural heritage or combination thereof.
Introduction (Or call for membership)
Upon closer examination of culture today, we feel that the age of comparative cultures has become extinct. The very nature of the word 'compare' can bring forth the idea of competition in that one culture is superior to another. Because of the evolutionary state of humans in the world today, we are compelled at this time to induce the birth of a world culture which takes anything from any culture in the world and combines it with anything else from any element of any culture; or even brand new ideas never before realized. This cultural evolution will contain multiple facets, and promote a deep-seeded harmony.
We invite all people of the world to join our society, which is not so much a closed country with guarded boarders, but an association of like-minded, peace-loving individuals with a vision of fostering relationships with others in our race, the human race. We beseech all people to end fighting and competition. Self-centered thought needs to become the behavior of the past. The enhancement of human understanding through arts, culture, medicine, economics, and politics is what drives us. Anyone interested in the promotion of world peace through such a manner should join the Society, regardless of citizenship, religion, color, or creed.
(President Kuniyoshi Ueda)
An Additional Remark:This Society has no affiliation with the Nihon University authorities.
President's Profile
Kuniyoshi UEDA, Professor and Chair of Cultural Studies, Graduate School of Nihon University. Professor emeritus at the National University of Shizuoka and President of the International Society for Harmony and Combination of Cultures (ISHCC). The author of Noh Hamlet, Noh Othello, and other Shakespearean noh plays in English and Japanese, as well as the shite (leading) performer of these plays in English. Among the countries he has toured are Britain, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, Vietnam, Mongolia, China and the United States. His publications include Noh Hamlet in English, Noh Othello in English and Japanese, Noh Adaptation of Shakespeare, and R.H. Blyth Selections. A life member of the Thoreau Society.
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Inquiry about ISHCCKuniyoshi UEDA( )
Inquiry about this Web-site:Takemura sigeru( )